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Weight: 1 Pound

Introducing our high-quality gypsum, a versatile mineral compound renowned for its myriad of applications across various industries. Mined from premium sources and meticulously processed to ensure exceptional purity and consistency, our gypsum is a reliable solution for numerous industrial and commercial needs.


  • Agriculture:

    • Soil Amendment: Gypsum is utilized to improve soil structure by breaking up heavy clay soils and promoting better drainage. It aids in reducing soil compaction, increasing aeration, and facilitating root penetration.

    • Sodic Soil Reclamation: Gypsum effectively reclaims sodic soils, characterized by high sodium levels that impede soil structure and hinder plant growth. By replacing sodium ions with calcium ions, gypsum enhances soil structure and fertility.
    • Nutrient Source: Gypsum serves as a source of calcium and sulfur, vital nutrients for plant growth. Calcium strengthens cell walls, while sulfur supports protein synthesis and enzyme function.
    • pH Adjustment: Gypsum adjusts soil pH levels, particularly in alkaline soils, towards a more neutral range. This enhances nutrient availability to plants and improves soil fertility.
    • Alleviating Soil Toxicity: Gypsum reduces the toxicity of elements like aluminum and manganese by promoting leaching and preventing plant uptake.
    • Improving Soil Drainage: Gypsum improves soil drainage by enhancing water infiltration and reducing surface runoff, thus preventing soil erosion and loss of nutrients.
    • Boosting Soil Structure: Gypsum boosts soil structure, leading to better water retention and aeration, ultimately promoting healthier root growth and plant development.
    • Upgrading Soil Water Relations: Gypsum enhances soil water relations, ensuring efficient water utilization by plants and reducing water stress.
    • Reducing Surface Water Runoff: By reducing surface water runoff, gypsum minimizes phosphorus and nitrogen loss from the soil, contributing to environmental sustainability.
    • Increasing Earthworm Population: Gypsum fosters a conducive environment for earthworms, beneficial organisms that enhance soil structure and nutrient cycling, further improving soil health and fertility.

Application Rate:

  • For Soil Amendment:

    • Heavy Clay Soils: Apply gypsum at a rate of 1 to 2 tons per acre (or 2,000 to 4,000 kg per hectare) to improve soil structure and drainage.

    • Sodic Soils: Apply gypsum at higher rates, typically 2 to 4 tons per acre (or 4,000 to 8,000 kg per hectare), to reclaim sodic soils and reduce sodium levels.
  • For pH Adjustment:
    • Apply gypsum based on soil test recommendations to achieve the desired pH level. Generally, rates may range from 500 to 2,000 pounds per acre (or 560 to 2,240 kg per hectare) depending on soil pH and buffering capacity.
  • For Nutrient Source:
    • Apply gypsum at rates that provide sufficient calcium and sulfur for plant growth. Rates can vary widely depending on the specific nutrient requirements of the crop and soil nutrient levels.
  • For Specific Crop Requirements:
    • Some crops may benefit from gypsum application at specific growth stages. Consult crop-specific guidelines or agricultural extension services for recommendations tailored to your crop.
  • For Maintenance:
    • Regular applications of gypsum may be needed to maintain soil structure and fertility over time. This could involve annual or periodic applications based on soil testing and crop rotation practices.
  • Application Methods:
    • Gypsum can be applied broadcast or incorporated into the soil before planting. It can also be applied as a top dressing for established crops.
    • Incorporating gypsum into the soil before planting allows for better distribution and utilization by crops.
  • Considerations:
    • Always conduct a soil test before applying gypsum to determine soil pH, nutrient levels, and other factors influencing gypsum requirements.
    • Monitor soil and crop responses to gypsum application to adjust future application rates as needed.
    • Follow local regulations and best management practices for gypsum application to minimize environmental impacts.

It's crucial to tailor gypsum application rates to specific soil and crop conditions to maximize its benefits effectively while minimizing costs and potential environmental risks. Consulting with agricultural experts or extension services can provide personalized recommendations based on your local conditions and farming practices.

  • Construction Industry:

    • Drywall and Plasterboard: Gypsum is a primary component in the manufacturing of drywall and plasterboard, providing excellent fire resistance and soundproofing properties.
    • Mortar and Cement: Gypsum is added to cement and mortar formulations to regulate setting times and enhance workability.
    • Gypsum Blocks and Panels: Used for interior partition walls, ceilings, and decorative elements due to its lightweight and mold-resistant characteristics.

  • Industrial Applications:

    • Construction Materials: Gypsum-based products such as plaster, joint compounds, and grouts are essential in various construction applications.
    • Paper Manufacturing: Gypsum is used in the paper industry as a filler and coating agent, enhancing paper strength and printability.
    • Textile Industry: It is employed in textile manufacturing processes for sizing and finishing fabrics, imparting stiffness and improving dye uptake.

  • Environmental Remediation:

    • Water Treatment: Gypsum is utilized in water treatment processes for the removal of impurities such as turbidity, heavy metals, and phosphates.
    • Air Pollution Control: It serves as a sorbent in flue gas desulfurization (FGD) systems to capture sulfur dioxide emissions from industrial exhaust streams.

  • Art and Crafts:

    • Sculpture and Molding: Gypsum's fine-grained texture and ease of carving make it a preferred material for sculptors and artists.
    • Model Making: It is commonly used in architectural modeling, diorama construction, and hobby crafts due to its affordability and workability.

Our gypsum stands as a testament to quality, reliability, and versatility, catering to the diverse needs of industries and individuals alike. Whether you're building the structures of tomorrow, nurturing fertile soils, or unleashing your creative vision, trust our premium gypsum to deliver exceptional results every time.


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