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  1. Should You Add Fertilizer to Your Compost Pile? "What are you using for compost?" "That compost pile is coming along nicely." "I never start planting without a compost pile." Whether you've been planting for years or you're tilling rows for the first time, composting and fertilizing never fail to come up in conversations about the ins and outs of gardening. But what exactly is composting? Is the talk of fertilizer simply hype? If you've ever wondered about compost or fertilizer and what they can do for y...
  2. What is the Role of Manganese and Potassium? Plants which produce fruit with a high concentration of carbohydrates require a great deal of potassium for carbohydrate transport into the fruit. The fruit functions as a storage organ for sugars, and consequently, also becomes a storage sink for potassium. High carbohydrate fruit such as tomatoes or potatoes need a generous supply of potassium to fill fruit. Potassium is usually readily absorbed, but sometimes crops struggle picking up potassium from the soil. This can be due to a variety ...
  3. How to Optimize Immune Health in 5 Ways We're all increasingly aware these days of the value of immune support in maintaining overall health. We're seeing diagrams in the news explaining the body's teamwork between white blood cells such as T cells and B cells, antibodies, and other active components. They remind us of what a wonderful coordinated response meets the intrusion of viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens that could affect our health. We have the power to take a conscious approach in helping them do their jo...
  4. Can Taking More Baths Improve Your Health? Bathing is more than just a way to maintain good personal hygiene - it's long been used as a way to boost physical and mental health. Read on to learn more. Can Taking a Bath Boost Your Health and Wellness? Bathing has long been used to promote physical and mental wellness. Some of the known health benefits of bathing include improved cardiovascular health, and recent studies show that taking a hot bath daily can cut the risk of suffering from a stroke or heart attack. Bathing also helps...
  5. How to Easily Combat Joint Pain in the Winter There rings some truth to the Old Wives’ Tale that aching bones and joints are signs of changing weather. A common complaint of those suffering from conditions like Arthritis, Bursitis and even dislocations caused by injury is the increased frequency of joint pain during the winter months. Because their bodies are more sensitive to the chilly weather, painful joints may signal to some individuals that rain, snow, and storms are on the way. Read on to find out why this is and how you can bette...
  6. 5 Simple Ways to Be Healthier in 2020 For many, the New Year offers a chance to reflect on one's habits and hit the reset button. Bettering one's health is one of the most common resolutions to make, whether it's losing weight, exercising more or eating a wholesome diet. While you may set off on your 2020 health journey with good intentions, it’s easy to get caught up with fad diets and quick fixes to improve your health. The thing is, there is not a one step approach to becoming a healthier version of yourself and t...
  7. Why Are Heavy Metals Bad for Your Health? It's not uncommon to see and hear warnings about toxic, heavy metals and the danger they present to human health and well-being. The fact is, though, that many people just don't understand what heavy metals are, or the actual health risk they pose. This can make it difficult to take the steps necessary to avoid harmful effects of heavy metal toxicity/poisoning in the body. Here's a brief guide to these harmful metals: what they are, where they come from, and their links to a varie...
  8. What You Need to Know About Chronic Inflammation Chronic inflammation is a growing problem for many people. Yet, it's one of the least understood risk factors for developing disease. The connection between chronic inflammation and disease isn't fully understood by medical researchers, but they do know that people who have this type of inflammation are more likely to develop cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, depression, and diabetes. What is Chronic Inflammation? Inflammation is common in the body – it occurs naturally...
  9. The Benefits of Beeswax for Rosacea and Eczema Find out what beeswax is, how it can help soothe your rosacea and eczema, and why we use it as the main ingredient in our Bee-tanical Body Balm. What is Beeswax? Beeswax is made from the honeycomb of bees, mainly the honeybee. By mixing pollen oils into honeycomb wax, bees turn the wax from white to yellow. Beeswax is used in a number of health and beauty products and is believed to alleviate pain, fungal skin infections, high cholesterol and other conditions. This all-natural product can a...
  10. 6 Interesting Ways Gardening Can Make You Healthier Reducing our carbon footprint, supporting the pollinator population and encouraging self-sustainability - these are a few ways that gardening benefits the Earth, but there are also a number of ways this eco-friendly hobby can positively impact your health. Maybe you're feeling under the weather, down in the dumps or your chronic pain got the best of you again. If you're in need of an activity that supports your health in more ways than one, then grab a shovel and head outside because ...
  11. 6 Plants That Can Make You Happier It's natural to feel stressed, worried, scared, anxious, or otherwise, not yourself at times in life. Whether it's linked to a global pandemic like coronavirus, brought on during certain seasons, due to a mood disorder, or a variety of other reasons, anything that helps inject a little happiness in your life can be a welcome presence. We put together a list of plants for you to consider — both indoor and outdoor — as a way to boost your mood whenever you're feeling down. Here are...
  12. What is the Function of Sulfur (S) in Plants? In a past article about minerals in soil, we discussed proper soil nutrition and explained that plants take essential nutrients from the soil in order to thrive in their environment. One of these nutrients — a macronutrient to be precise — is sulfur, which healthy plants take in larger amounts from the soil. In this piece, we'll talk about what exactly sulfur does for plants and what to do in the event of a sulfur deficiency. How Does Sulfur Affect Plant Growth? Buy Organic Sulfur Powder...
  13. How to Nourish Your Soil in the Winter In most climates, planting seasons are cyclical. This means that during an off or dormant season, you should just leave your soil alone, right? Well, not if you want to optimize your plants' health and yield in the following season. Gardening is a full-time job, and you need to ensure that your soil receives proper nourishment all year long, including in the winter. Here are a few tips to make sure that when the winter turns to spring, your soil is primed and ready to burst forth with pla...
  14. What You Need to Know About Soil pH When the time comes to design and plant your garden, you will need to know whether your soil is acidic or alkaline, as different plants thrive in various soils. Maintaining the correct pH level for your plants will ensure that they intake essential minerals, absorb enough water and ultimately produce at their best. In this article, we'll show you how to figure out your soil pH and ways to correct it if it's not where you need it to be. What is Soil pH? Soil pH is a number that descri...
  15. Major Elements vs. Trace Elements: Why Your Plants Need Both Growing vibrant, healthy plants takes more than a green thumb - your plants need a variety of slow-release and fast-release water-soluble fertilizers that contain the right ratio of both major elements and trace elements. The problem is that unless you're a biochemistry buff, chances are good you might not be familiar with the elements your plants need to thrive. If so, here's a quick primer to help you choose the right fertilizer for your application. What Are Major and Trace Element...