How to Make Magnesium Chloride Solution to Consume Orally (DIY)

Written by Amir Tajer


Posted on December 19 2016

Magnesium offers the body a number of benefits from improving sleep quality to balancing blood sugar levels.
A simple way to get more magnesium in your diet is through supplementation if you're not getting enough in your daily diet.
All you need to do is dissolve some of our pharmaceutical grade Magnesium Chloride USP in water and drink!
Learn how to make your own magnesium chloride solution in this quick tutorial below.


Note: If you have severe Magnesium deficiency we strongly recommend consulting your Doctor regarding the application rate.

Every person needs different amounts of Magnesium daily.

This depends on many different factors such age, gender, weight, height, current magnesium levels in your body, etc.

For this reason, we recommend consulting your doctor before taking Magnesium.


However, if you are taking our Magnesium Chloride USP as a magnesium supplement below are the instructions on how much to drink:

 How to Make Magnesium Chloride for Oral Consumption (Part 1)

How to Make Magnesium Chloride for Oral Consumption (Part 2)



- 33 grams Greenway Biotech Magnesium Chloride USP

- 1 liter of filtered water or juice (personal preference to improve the taste)



Mix 33 grams of Greenway Biotech Magnesium Chloride USP with 1 liter of filtered water or juice.

Every shot (about 45 milliliters or 1.5 ounces) of this solution makes one dosage of Magnesium supplement.

Note: This solution makes about 20 shots.

Note: Do NOT use a metal spoon to mix magnesium chloride because it reacts with metals. It's also best to store it in a glass container.



How Many Shots of Greenway Biotech Magnesium Chloride USP Do I Take Daily?

Note: These numbers are based on a 5'10" and 175 Pounds Male

Age 10-50 Years Old: Take half a shot a day

Age 51-70 Years Old: Take one shot a day

Age 71 Years Old and Up: Take two shots a day (preferably one in the morning and one in the afternoon)


Shop our Magnesium Chloride USP below to get started! 

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  • Comment author

    Rebecca: Thank you for your comment! This recipe is not Ionic Magnesium. Our magnesium chloride powder is pharmaceutical grade and sourced from the Dead Sea. When making our powder into a liquid, the most basic recipe to do so is with filtered water and our magnesium chloride powder. We hope this answers your question!

    Posted by Greenway Biotech | December 12, 2023
  • Comment author

    Thank you for this wonderful information. I have been purchasing the ReMag ionic magnesium for some time and find big benefits from it but it’s expensive 😊it gets me wondering what ionic magnesium is …is this recipe ionic magnesium? All that’s on the ingredients of the famous ReMag is filtered water and Magnesium Chloride… thanks for any information on this topic it’s very helpful 👍🏼

    Posted by Rebecca | December 12, 2023
  • Comment author

    Steve: Hello, each “shot” of this solution contains about 1/4 teaspoon of magnesium chloride so you can try adding 1/4 teaspoon to 45 ml or 1.5 oz of water for a single serving. Please feel free to reach out to our customer support team if you need additional help!

    Posted by Greenway Biotech | April 21, 2021
  • Comment author

    Could you please give me some simple single dose instructions like mix 1 teaspoon or 1/2 teaspoon with water?

    Posted by Steve Barragan | April 21, 2021
  • Comment author

    Cancel last comment. I found it in other questions. I did look before and didn’t see it.

    Posted by Gwyn | March 15, 2021
  • Comment author

    I have the same question as Margaret. How much elemental magnesium is in one shot please?

    Posted by Gwyneth | March 15, 2021
  • Comment author

    How many mg of Magnesium are in one shot (1.5 oz) of the magnesium solution for oral use (as per your recipe), thanks

    Posted by MARGRETTA STONE | November 03, 2020
  • Comment author

    Instead of mixing with water, will it work the same if I mix it with orange juice?

    Posted by Judith | October 14, 2020
  • Comment author

    Hi. I was just wondering. I have a magnesium oil thats for topical use. It’s pure MgCl in water.. I spray 10-20 squirts in a glass, fill up with water and drink.. any problem doing it that way ??

    Posted by Kjetil Thuen Tønnesen | June 11, 2020
  • Comment author

    Cookee: Hi there, thank you for your question! At this time, we do not have research that either confirms or denies whether magnesium is safe for dental amalgams. The good news is we haven’t had any customer complaints regarding this, but we highly recommend speaking to your dentist or personal doctor just to be safe. Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns.

    Posted by Greenway Biotech | April 07, 2020
  • Comment author

    Hi there! Just wondering if it is still OK to take this magnesium solution if you have dental amalgams? Thanks kindly!

    Posted by Cookee | April 07, 2020
  • Comment author

    Andrea: You can absolutely sip your magnesium solution throughout the day. Just be sure to not use a metal water bottle since the magnesium reacts with metal. If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out!

    Posted by Greenway Biotech | February 24, 2020
  • Comment author

    Hi there, I was just wondering if I could pour the MG shot into my water jug (24oz) and sip on it during the day instead of a single shot. Thanks

    Posted by Andrea | February 24, 2020
  • Comment author

    Nathalie: Hello, thank you for reaching out! We’re happy you are experiencing success in treating your magnesium deficiency, however, please be aware that while our Magnesium Chloride Flakes are pure and do not contain heavy metals, as our product description states, they are not pharmaceutical grade and should not be consumed orally. If you would like to continue drinking the magnesium solution, we strongly advise using our Magnesium Chloride USP instead. As for the chlorine taste you describe, there may be something in your water pipes or things of that nature causing the water to taste like chlorine. It might be helpful to contact your local water department to notify them of this. If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact. We’re always happy to help!

    Posted by Anonymous | January 20, 2020
  • Comment author

    I’ve using magnesium chloride in my drinking water using a half teaspoon of magnesium flakes to half of gallon of purified water. This is has been serving me well for over a year now. Lately, my water has been tasting like chlorine bleach and I can’t drink it. Can you tell me what’s going on here? Thanks!

    Posted by Natahlie | January 20, 2020
  • Comment author

    David: You’re absolutely right! That is the correct amount of USP/liter and dosage for your age. Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns. Thank you!

    Posted by Anonymous | January 06, 2020
  • Comment author

    Hello…just want to be clear…5 teaspoons of Magnesium Chloride per 1 liter
    of water. I am 77 yrs old, Dossage ONE shot glass in am and ONE in pm. Correct??

    Posted by David Alexander | January 06, 2020
  • Comment author

    Hi there! Thank you for reaching out. We noticed you mention that you use magnesium chloride flakes to make your magnesium solution, however, since our magnesium flakes are tech grade and not pharmaceutical grade like our Magnesium Chloride USP, we strongly urge you to not consume the flakes. Instead, you can make a magnesium oil solution and apply this to your skin so you would get your magnesium topically rather than orally. You can use a coffee filter to strain the flakes of any dirty parts. We hope this helps!

    Posted by Anonymous | December 31, 2019
  • Comment author

    Hello, I have been preparing magnesium chloride for over a year and recently, only after a 3 or 4 days, the solution presented yellow flakes in it. Is this normal? I prepare in a glass bottle, use no metal, clean, boiled water and add the mag. at room temperature. After it happened again I threw the bottle out and got a jar but same thing happen. Any idea why this could be happening and what I can do? I also thought maybe the magnesium flakes got contaminated before I prepared the solution but it happened again with a new batch. Might this be a normal reaction/possibly still safe to consume?
    Thank you very much for your advice.

    Posted by Carla | December 31, 2019
  • Comment author

    Alexander: Hi there to answer your first question, we actually suggest taking the magnesium on a full stomach to prevent nausea or upset stomach. Secondly, while we advise our customers to follow our dosage recommendations, they are flexible in the sense that if a half shot in your case for example, makes you feel better than a full shot, it might be best to stick to your current routine. But as always, it may be helpful as well to check with your doctor. We hope this helps!

    Posted by Anonymous | October 07, 2019
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