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Items 49-55 of 55
  1. Blossom Green 2-6-8
    Like in many plants, the flowering stage is imperative in hydroponic plant production. A sound blooming stage requires all the elements of fertilizer and a lack of one can lead to unhealthy symptoms and lower yields. Benefits of Blossom Green 2-6-8: Gives plants retired nutrients for abundant blossoms. Enhances harvest size. Offers...
    From $ 24.99
  2. Crustacean Meal Fertilizer 4-0-0
    If you love gardening or landscaping, then you may have come across Crustacean Meal 4-0-0. This natural fertilizer is an excellent source of minerals made from the shells and exoskeletons of arthropods such as crustaceans—crabs and shrimp to be precise. It is sometimes referred to as crab or shrimp meal....
    From $ 19.99
  3. Monopotassium Phosphate 0-52-34
    Introducing our premium Monopotassium Phosphate Fertilizer 0-52-34, the ultimate solution for promoting lush plant growth, vibrant blooming, and flourishing flowers. This water-soluble fertilizer is specially formulated to meet the unique nutrient needs of your plants, making it ideal for both traditional gardening and hydroponic systems. Key Features: High Phosphorous Content...
    From $ 33.99
  4. Cal-Mag Plus 2-0-0 Concentrate (Contains 0.1% Iron EDTA)
    Greenway Biotech's Cal-Mag Plus contains a balanced ratio of Calcium, Magnesium, and Iron, which are critical throughout all stages of growth, especially in heavily blooming plants and annuals. Calcium and Magnesium are necessary for the prevention of blossom end rot in tomatoes and peppers, as well as the reduction of tip...
    From $ 33.99
  5. Sulfur Powder
    NOTE: Depending on your shipping address, we may ship 50 pound items as two 25 pound bags. Got Sulfur? Atomic number sweet 16 on the Periodic Table (remember from high school?) and denoted by its telltale symbol S, sulfur was referred to Biblically as brimstone and often reviled for its...
    From $ 18.99
  6. Organic Alfalfa Meal 2.5-0-2.5
    Stop and smell the roses, why don't you?! But how can you if your garden has no roses to speak of? Roses, in particular, don't want a fertilizer mix by any other product than Organic Alfalfa Meal Fertilizer, the all-natural, non-GMO fertilizer perfect for roses and any garden. Your roses, fruits,...
    $ 131.99
  7. Boric Acid
    To get the right returns, you must ensure your plants get all the nutrients necessary for growth. Boron is a vital nutrient for plant growth, plant development and successful yields. Boron is needed in small concentrations in the form of boric acid fertilizer since large concentrations are often used for algaecides,...
    From $ 16.99