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  1. What's the function of Nitrogen (N) in plants? Nitrogen (N) is among the vital elements needed for the survival of living things. It being an abundant common element on earth, it forms approximately 78% in the earth's atmosphere. Nitrogen is chemically reacted with other compounds such as ammonia, nitric acid, organic nitrates and cyanides to form unique compounds with totally different chemical and physical properties. Since plants cannot use or take nitrogen directly from the atmosphere, uptake is through nitrogen forms that include...
  2. What's the Function of Potassium (K) in Plants? Potassium is a paramount macro-element for overall survival of living things. It is an abundant mineral macronutrient present in both plant and animals tissues. It is necessary for the proper functionality of all living cells. Potassium is relatively abundant in the earth's crust making up to 2.1% by weight. Potassium is mined in the form of potash (KOH), sylvite (KCl), Carnallite and Langbeinite. It is not found in free nature. Why is Potassium Important to Plants? Potassium is an indis...
  3. What's the Function of Magnesium (Mg) in Plants? You may have more in common with plants than you think. Much like us, plants need a wide range of nutrients to stay healthy and we’ve mentioned time and time again about magnesium’s importance to our own wellbeing. But magnesium is also a critical macronutrient for plant growth and health. It is a key element of the chlorophyll molecule – essential for photosynthesis. Magnesium gives leaves their green hue and activates most plant enzymes needed for growth while contributing to protein synthe...
  4. Hidden Dangers of Synthetic Fragrances and How to Replace Them The crisp aromas of fall have now replaced the tropical scents of summer. Whiffs of cinnamon and vanilla abound while smells of sunblock and saltwater evaporate into the autumn air. For many, fall is a time to retreat indoors and get cozy. Feel free to throw on those fuzzy socks, but you may want to think twice before lighting that pumpkin scented candle on your coffee table. This is because everything from scented candles to your favorite bar of soap may contain synthetic fragrances which p...
  5. Are Natural Insect Repellents Better for Your Health? Throughout the 20th century, DDT had a disastrous effect on the health of many people and forms of wildlife. While it's banned now, many industrial insect repellents and pesticides still have harmful effects even when you use them correctly. However, our ancestors got by with natural remedies and used plants that warded off insects on their own. You can follow in their footsteps by using a natural insect repellent made of essential oils like our Buzz Off! insect repellent. The Benefits of...
  6. The Role of Root Health in Your Plants and How to Improve It Take care of your plants and your plants will take care you. Get more enjoyment from your flowers and plants while increasing crop yield, when you take proper care of their root systems using an organic fertilizer. A common mistake made by new gardeners is to overlook the health of the root systems of their plants. Root systems are like the foundation of a house or building. Just as a poor foundation can lead to a structure tumbling down, an unhealthy root system leads to the "tumbling do...
  7. The 5 Fertilizers That Will Also Encourage Soil Health One key element that is often overlooked in gardening is healthy soil. You can feed your plants all the nutrients you want, but if your soil health is lacking, your plants won’t reach their full potential. What’s the easiest way to combat this? By feeding your soil of course! Our soil is comprised of tiny microorganisms and beneficial bacteria that work together to contribute to your plant’s health by providing a healthy foundation for root growth and nutrient uptake. The healthier your soil,...
  8. Is Magnesium Important for Vitamin D Absorption? If you're wondering whether you're getting enough Vitamin D, chances are, you may be part of the forty-two percent of Americans that aren't, according to research. What's surprising is that if you're Vitamin D deficient, you're likely deficient in magnesium too. This is because "magnesium assists in the activation of vitamin D" and it's critical that you consume the recommended daily amount of magnesium to achieve the optimal benefits of vitamin D, as stat...
  9. How Do Soil Microbes Affect Plant Health? Soil microbes and organic matter is essential for plant growth and play a significant role in the active microbial communities within the soil. Microbes, which comprise of soil bacteria and fungus, can be either good or bad for specific types of plants. The bad ones are plant pathogens while the good ones enrich plant life in a variety of ways. As such, soil health is one of the key factors to consider when growing plants. It affects everything from root health to nutrient uptake, growth and ...
  10. 7 Plants That Will Repel Pesky Mosquitoes This Summer Mosquitoes and other pests are repelled by pungent odors released by certain plants. Mosquitoes especially have a keen sense of smell that facilitates their ability to find warm-blooded animals in which to lay their eggs. Etymologists think a mosquito's sensitivity to strong smells is one reason why they avoid scent-emitting plants. If you love barbecuing or sitting outside on pleasant Summer days but don't want to constantly bathe yourself in mosquito repellent, shop our DEET free in...
  11. What You Need to Know About Soil pH When the time comes to design and plant your garden, you will need to know whether your soil is acidic or alkaline, as different plants thrive in various soils. Maintaining the correct pH level for your plants will ensure that they intake essential minerals, absorb enough water and ultimately produce at their best. In this article, we'll show you how to figure out your soil pH and ways to correct it if it's not where you need it to be. What is Soil pH? Soil pH is a number that descri...
  12. What's the Function of Zinc (Zn) in Plants? If you're like most home gardeners, you're always looking for ways to keep your plants thriving and disease free without resorting to chemical fertilizers. Even many commercial growers want to lessen their impact on the environment by finding natural ways to improve their yield and quality of their crops. It's often not as easy as it sounds to be an organic gardener or farmer. One good resource that can help boost your vegetable production and keep your plants healthy without harm...
  13. 5 Common Fertilizing Mistakes You Want to Avoid Applying fertilizer to your garden is an essential step in guaranteeing a healthy harvest, but you do need to be strategic with your application. While there are a number of times when fertilizing your plants is a great idea, contrastingly, there are just as many moments when the fertilizer bag should stay closed. We’ve rounded up a few common mistakes gardeners are likely to make when fertilizing their plants. You’ll want to keep these errors in mind, so you can keep your plants at their bes...
  14. Can You Prevent Multiple Sclerosis with Magnesium? What is Multiple Sclerosis? Multiple Sclerosis, or MS, is an autoimmune disease that directly impacts the central nervous system. MS, a chronic disease, attacks the protective covering of the nerves known as myelin, leading to inflammation and permanent damage. Myelin works to transmit nerve impulses through the nerve fibers, and when MS damages the myelin, the nerve impulses can be interrupted, resulting in a host of unpredictable symptoms ranging from vision problems to extreme fatigue, pa...
  15. Why Monopotassium Phosphate is a Great Choice for Plant Health Monopotassium Phosphate, an eco-friendly fertilizer makes for strong roots when your plants need it most. Jumpstart your harvest this season with our 100 percent water soluble and heavy metal free Monopotassium Phosphate plant fertilizer that helps establish firm roots early in the growing season to ensure your crops are full and healthy. Our Monopotassium Phosphate fertilizer contains 52% phosphorous and 34% potassium and is a highly efficient and effective form of fertilizer that feed...
  16. Health Benefits of Magnesium It goes without saying that magnesium is one of the most vital elements needed in our bodies because it is a necessary catalyst in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. However, people might not be getting enough of it even in their healthy diets. There are several ways of getting magnesium in the body one of them being the use of magnesium supplements. Magnesium oil spray is a great product enriched with magnesium. It is made from magnesium chloride extracted from the Dead Sea. Thi...