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  1. How to Improve Soil Health With Soil Amendments Spring has sprung and there’s no better time than now to start planting! But before you get those seeds and starters in the soil, you’ll want to make sure it’s in tip-top shape. After all, your plants are only as healthy as the soil they’re grown in. One of our favorite ways to ensure healthy soil is by adding amendments to your dirt before planting. But “soil amendments” are words that often get tossed around in the gardening community which may leave you feeling slightly confused and wonder...
  2. How Soil Moisture Can Affect Your Plant's Growth Anyone who's ever tried to cultivate house plants knows the impact of soil moisture, whether a plant is too dry or too wet. Every plant has an optimal range in which the soil is conducive to healthy plant growth. It's relatively easy to control in your home, but what about in the garden? How can you ensure that your plants are given the best chance to thrive? In this piece, we'll talk about how soil moisture affects healthy plant growth and how you can provide the optimal soil moi...
  3. Fertilizer Toxicity vs. Nutrient Deficiency: Spotting the Difference in Your Plants Fertilizer toxicity and nutrient deficiency are common plant conditions with very different causes that can both destroy a crop while looking exactly the same. What is fertilizer toxicity or nutrient deficiency? How can you tell if either of these are happening to your plants? Here's what you need to know about fertilizer toxicity, nutrient deficiency, and how to figure out which of these conditions is affecting your plants. What is Fertilizer Toxicity in Plants? Fertilizer toxicity, som...
  4. 3 Strong Reasons You Should Switch to Hydroponic Gardening Hydroponics is one of the quietest revolutions in the history of agriculture, and it's rapidly changing the way some crops are grown. Once the domain of science fiction, relatively recent developments have made soil-free growing a realistic option for many crops. Going forward, it's likely that hydroponics will displace some specialty agriculture, and it may even find its way into space someday. What is Hydroponics? For those who don't know, hydroponics refers to a group of techn...
  5. Get the Most From Your Garden With Companion Planting As gardening becomes increasingly popular, the methods used to ensure a productive garden have also become more strategic. Gone are the days where planting certain vegetables and fruits just for the sake of growing them would yield positive results. With more growers becoming serious about the health and bounty of their crops, now's a great time to really consider what plants are right for your garden based on what you’d like to achieve and companion planting is one way to get you there. ...
  6. How to Grow Strawberries in 6 Simple Steps Strawberries are one of the most underrated "superfoods." They have many health benefits and we talked about some of the most common ones here. Strawberries are very tasty especially when they're freshly picked! Luckily, strawberries are relatively easy to grow and don't require too much care. Follow the 6 simple steps below to have your own homegrown strawberries in no time: 1. Buy organic and non-GMO seeds/plants from your local nursery or online. ...
  7. How to Heal and Protect Your Plants From Sunscald Plants thrive on sunlight, but the wrong kind of sunlight can have a negative effect on your vines, garden plants, and newly planted trees. Many plants are susceptible to a condition called sunscald, which can damage or even kill your young garden or trees. Read more to learn about this condition and how to prevent it. What is Sunscald? Sunscald is comparable to a sunburn on your skin. Younger trees, those newly planted, and species of trees with thin bark are the most susceptible. Once suns...
  8. How Soil Erosion Affects Your Garden and What You Can do About it You may have heard of soil erosion as an issue for farmers because it can be the source of a huge drop in productivity and profits in the context of commercial agriculture, but did you know that it can also affect your garden? Even when you've meticulously planned and controlled every other aspect of your flowerbeds, soil erosion can be the one thing keeping your plants from the healthy garden soil they need to thrive. So what can you do to slow the scourge of soil erosion? It helps to un...
  9. How to Easily Determine Your Soil Type A lush summer lawn is the American Dream – bright green grass, vivid flowers, and shady trees. Having curb appeal that makes you the envy of the neighborhood is easier than you think, and it all comes down to understanding the characteristics of your soil and any soil erosion you may have. What Are the Different Types of Soil? There are four main types of soil that homeowners in the U.S. have: Sand - made up of small mineral particles, warms fast and drains easily, but may cause your plants...
  10. How to Prep Your Soil for Spring Soil is made up of five components: minerals, gases, water, organic material, and living organisms. As temperatures decrease during winter months, some of these living organisms, including tiny soil microbes, go into hibernation, decreasing the fecundity of the soil. Fortunately, there are ways you can cultivate healthier soil this winter for better results in the spring! But first, we'll need to explain a few things about the ecosystem inside your soil. Why is Soil Health Important? Hea...
  11. The Best Plants for a Fall Garden With summer winding down, it's the perfect time to start harvesting plants for the fall. This list covers the top five plants that you should consider growing, this fall season. These plants are perfect for a beginner gardener, requiring minimal skills. 1. Brussels Sprouts Brussels sprouts are inherently the perfect fall plant! In warmer climates, brussels sprouts can start growing in the fall and survive through the winter to be ready in the spring. The brussels sprout is a vigorous pla...
  12. Why You Should Rotate Your Crops Having the same crops every season will result in progressively lower yields if everything else remain constant. As such, it is advisable to deploy crop rotation and have different plants on your fall garden this season. Also, rotation can help you partially deal with a soil pathogen associated with root disease in sick plants. Additionally, crop rotation plays various other crucial roles, especially soil health, organic matter, and the stimulation of microbial communities in the soil. What i...
  13. How Do Soil Microbes Affect Plant Health? Soil microbes and organic matter is essential for plant growth and play a significant role in the active microbial communities within the soil. Microbes, which comprise of soil bacteria and fungus, can be either good or bad for specific types of plants. The bad ones are plant pathogens while the good ones enrich plant life in a variety of ways. As such, soil health is one of the key factors to consider when growing plants. It affects everything from root health to nutrient uptake, growth and ...
  14. Why Cover Crops Are Important in the Fall Cover crops are an important part of commercial farming operations. The benefits that they provide professional farmers can also be felt by people gardening at home. This short guide will tell you everything you need to know about cover crops and help you decide whether or not they're right for your yard. What is a Cover Crop? A cover crop is a crop grown with other more valuable crops with the sole purpose of protecting them during regular crop production. Cover crops are generally used...
  15. 7 Plants That Will Repel Pesky Mosquitoes This Summer Mosquitoes and other pests are repelled by pungent odors released by certain plants. Mosquitoes especially have a keen sense of smell that facilitates their ability to find warm-blooded animals in which to lay their eggs. Etymologists think a mosquito's sensitivity to strong smells is one reason why they avoid scent-emitting plants. If you love barbecuing or sitting outside on pleasant Summer days but don't want to constantly bathe yourself in mosquito repellent, shop our DEET free in...
  16. What is the Function of Sulfur (S) in Plants? In a past article about minerals in soil, we discussed proper soil nutrition and explained that plants take essential nutrients from the soil in order to thrive in their environment. One of these nutrients — a macronutrient to be precise — is sulfur, which healthy plants take in larger amounts from the soil. In this piece, we'll talk about what exactly sulfur does for plants and what to do in the event of a sulfur deficiency. How Does Sulfur Affect Plant Growth? Buy Organic Sulfur Powder...