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  1. Glossary of Gardening Terms Annual: This type of plant has its complete life cycle, beginning from a seed and producing new seed for a succeeding generation, during a single season and then dies at the end of that season. Marigolds and zinnias are annuals many of us have grown. Biennial: It takes this type of plant two seasons to go from seed to seed, like hollyhocks and foxglove, develop roots and leaves during their first growing season and then grow flowers and set seed during the second year. Biennial plants die at ...
  2. Gypsum FAQ 1. Can I use Gypsum as a soil amendment? Yes, Gypsum contains Calcium and Sulfur and could be used as an amendment in Calcium deficient soils or if you would like to adjust the pH level. 2. How much Gypsum do I use for soil drench? We do not have general dilution rates for the product to be used for soil drench. Each soil is unique and the dilution rate to use in a soil drench depends on many factors: the quality of your soil, what you will be growing etc., as with any fertilization. So we...