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  1. How Can Magnesium Improve Your Thyroid Condition? Proper thyroid function is crucial for good health. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that sits in the front of the neck below the Adam's apple. This gland is divided into two lobes which are connected by a bridge in the center. When the thyroid is a normal size, you can't feel it, but if you notice sudden swelling in your neck or you experience any of the following symptoms, it may be a sign that your thyroid needs extra attention. Read on to learn how magnesium can help restor...
  2. How to Improve Gut Health With Magnesium You might not know how important magnesium is in your body. Many people don't even know what magnesium is but are shocked to hear about the critical functions it plays a role in for all living things (plants and animals!). In this piece, we'll discuss the vital importance of getting a high enough daily intake of magnesium, particularly as it supports your gut health, protects your intestinal microbiome, and fends off diseases that have to do with digestive function. What is Magnesium?...
  3. This is How Magnesium Can Improve Your Anxiety Anxiety is a normal, yet admittedly unpleasant, part of life, that can impact anyone's mental wellness in different ways and times. Anxiety is generally agreed to be feelings of unease that vary in severity. Unlike stress, which can come and go as the factors causing it subside, anxiety can remain whether or not the cause is known to the person experiencing it. Different Types of Anxiety There are many different types of anxiety that impact the lives of different people. The four most c...
  4. 5 Simple Ways to Be Healthier in 2020 For many, the New Year offers a chance to reflect on one's habits and hit the reset button. Bettering one's health is one of the most common resolutions to make, whether it's losing weight, exercising more or eating a wholesome diet. While you may set off on your 2020 health journey with good intentions, it’s easy to get caught up with fad diets and quick fixes to improve your health. The thing is, there is not a one step approach to becoming a healthier version of yourself and t...
  5. What You Need to Know About Chronic Inflammation Chronic inflammation is a growing problem for many people. Yet, it's one of the least understood risk factors for developing disease. The connection between chronic inflammation and disease isn't fully understood by medical researchers, but they do know that people who have this type of inflammation are more likely to develop cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, depression, and diabetes. What is Chronic Inflammation? Inflammation is common in the body – it occurs naturally...