What is the Best Fertilizer for Tomatoes?

Written by Amir Tajer


Posted on September 03 2021

Everyone wants a crop of red, juicy tomatoes in their garden at the end of the growing season. Tomatoes offer a lot of nutrients, but they also need plenty of nutrients to grow.

If your tomatoes don't get enough fertilizer--or the wrong mix of nutrients--your plants might be weak, stunted and reluctant to ripen.

Fortunately, the right fertilizer guarantees a bountiful harvest that you can use for salads and sandwiches or eat fresh off the vine.

Here's what you need to know about finding the right tomato fertilizer.

What Nutrients Do Tomatoes Need to Grow?

Large red tomatoes growing on a vine

Tomatoes need potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus to grow. Other essential nutrients include zinc, copper, iron and sulfur, but your plant won't grow without the "big three."

Most soil doesn't have all the nutrients that your tomato plants need, so you'll need to use fertilizer to nourish your plants throughout the growing season.

Each nutrient provides a different function. For example, tomato plants need sulfur to build plant proteins and develop their delicious flavor.

Potassium plays a role in the plants' complex inner systems, helping them grow and flourish. Nitrogen aids with photosynthesis, which is an essential part of the growing process.

Your tomato plants will use every nutrient at different stages of their development.

What Qualities Should a Good Fertilizer Have?

A fertilizer that has a lot of nutrients isn't necessarily the best. Your plants need the right balance of nutrients to produce a healthy crop of tomatoes.

For example, if the soil has too much nitrogen, you'll have a crop of green, leafy plants without much fruit.

A good fertilizer has the perfect nutrient ratio so your plants don't wither, contract diseases or produce a small crop.

Good fertilizers are also 100% free of heavy metals.

A fertilizer contaminated with heavy metals could sicken your plant, interrupt photosynthesis or make your plant wither instead of growing tall and leafy.

Likewise, fertilizers with harmful chemicals could make the soil acidic, reduce your crop output and contribute to environmental pollution.

You need a safe, natural fertilizer that feeds your plants without contaminating the soil.

Finally, a good fertilizer is 100% water soluble. This means that you can mix the fertilizer with water and apply it directly to your plants.

Your plants will absorb the nutrients instantly, making it easier to control the nutritional input.

This is important for tomato plants, which need a delicate balance of nutrients. Save time by giving your plants fertilizer during their regular watering.

What Should a Healthy Tomato Crop Look Like?

Girl wearing green sweater and beige pants holding a large, red tomato

You'll know right away if your plant looks like a "classic" tomato plant.

At the end of the season, your plant should have soft, bushy leaves with strong stems and several bright red tomatoes.

If something goes wrong, your plant might produce green tomatoes instead. You can still eat green tomatoes, but most people want plump, juicy red tomatoes.

Where Can You Buy the Best Tomato Fertilizer?

Tomato Fertilizer 4-18-38 plus Chelated Micronutrients

At Greenway Biotech, Inc., we sell tomato fertilizer with the perfect blend of nutrients that maximizes your tomato crop.

Our fertilizer comes with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus as well as sulfur, zinc, manganese and other essential nutrients.

We formulated this blend to nourish your plant without overwhelming it with too many ingredients.

Our fertilizer is also water soluble and free of heavy metals and chemicals that could contaminate the soil.

Pick up a bag today, and get started on your next crop.



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