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  1. Why You Should Rotate Your Crops Having the same crops every season will result in progressively lower yields if everything else remain constant. As such, it is advisable to deploy crop rotation and have different plants on your fall garden this season. Also, rotation can help you partially deal with a soil pathogen associated with root disease in sick plants. Additionally, crop rotation plays various other crucial roles, especially soil health, organic matter, and the stimulation of microbial communities in the soil. What i...
  2. Why Cover Crops Are Important in the Fall Cover crops are an important part of commercial farming operations. The benefits that they provide professional farmers can also be felt by people gardening at home. This short guide will tell you everything you need to know about cover crops and help you decide whether or not they're right for your yard. What is a Cover Crop? A cover crop is a crop grown with other more valuable crops with the sole purpose of protecting them during regular crop production. Cover crops are generally used...
  3. 5 Types of Pollinators And How to Attract them According to the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), close to 75 percent of the world's crops that produce fruits and seeds depend on pollinators for sustained production. In this post, we discuss five types of pollinators and how you can attract them to your plants. 1. Bees Bees are arguably the most important pollinators across the globe. Bees are responsible for pollinating over 110 edible plants, including apples and strawberries. They are especially attracted to brightly color...
  4. How to Grow a Successful Indoor Garden Approximately 60 percent of people worldwide grow either flowers or vegetables indoors. Indoor gardening is on the rise, and with the many indoor gardening supplies on the market today, growing a garden in your house is easier than ever. Read on to find out how to grow food in an indoor container garden. What Can You Grow in Your Indoor Garden? The first step to growing a garden is deciding what to plant. Many plants can be grown indoors, but when it comes to growing food indoors, you may be...
  5. What is the Function of Sulfur (S) in Plants? In a past article about minerals in soil, we discussed proper soil nutrition and explained that plants take essential nutrients from the soil in order to thrive in their environment. One of these nutrients — a macronutrient to be precise — is sulfur, which healthy plants take in larger amounts from the soil. In this piece, we'll talk about what exactly sulfur does for plants and what to do in the event of a sulfur deficiency. How Does Sulfur Affect Plant Growth? Buy Organic Sulfur Powder...
  6. How to Nourish Your Soil in the Winter In most climates, planting seasons are cyclical. This means that during an off or dormant season, you should just leave your soil alone, right? Well, not if you want to optimize your plants' health and yield in the following season. Gardening is a full-time job, and you need to ensure that your soil receives proper nourishment all year long, including in the winter. Here are a few tips to make sure that when the winter turns to spring, your soil is primed and ready to burst forth with pla...