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  1. Here's How to Know You're Magnesium Deficient What is Magnesium? Magnesium is a naturally-occurring mineral vital for normal bone structure in the human body. Those who eat a balanced diet usually get enough magnesium, however, supplements can be necessary if magnesium levels are too low. Usually, fruits, nuts, seeds, and vegetables provide enough magnesium for healthy bodily functions. However, there are instances where, despite a healthy diet, people may not be getting enough magnesium. How Does Magnesium Function in Our Body? Magnesi...
  2. The Role of Root Health in Your Plants and How to Improve It Take care of your plants and your plants will take care you. Get more enjoyment from your flowers and plants while increasing crop yield, when you take proper care of their root systems using an organic fertilizer. A common mistake made by new gardeners is to overlook the health of the root systems of their plants. Root systems are like the foundation of a house or building. Just as a poor foundation can lead to a structure tumbling down, an unhealthy root system leads to the "tumbling do...
  3. The 5 Fertilizers That Will Also Encourage Soil Health One key element that is often overlooked in gardening is healthy soil. You can feed your plants all the nutrients you want, but if your soil health is lacking, your plants won’t reach their full potential. What’s the easiest way to combat this? By feeding your soil of course! Our soil is comprised of tiny microorganisms and beneficial bacteria that work together to contribute to your plant’s health by providing a healthy foundation for root growth and nutrient uptake. The healthier your soil,...
  4. What Should You Plant in a Container Garden? You might think that a decent sized yard is the only way to start growing your own food, but you’d be shocked at how little space you actually need. At the very least, a few coffee cans and a basic understanding of Container Gardening will have you well on your way to delicious homegrown food in no time! The key is to select plants that thrive in limited space, but which ones are these? And how can you ensure you’re container gardening the right way? Read on to find out. What is Container Gar...
  5. Should You Add Fertilizer to Your Compost Pile? "What are you using for compost?" "That compost pile is coming along nicely." "I never start planting without a compost pile." Whether you've been planting for years or you're tilling rows for the first time, composting and fertilizing never fail to come up in conversations about the ins and outs of gardening. But what exactly is composting? Is the talk of fertilizer simply hype? If you've ever wondered about compost or fertilizer and what they can do for y...
  6. Is Magnesium Important for Vitamin D Absorption? If you're wondering whether you're getting enough Vitamin D, chances are, you may be part of the forty-two percent of Americans that aren't, according to research. What's surprising is that if you're Vitamin D deficient, you're likely deficient in magnesium too. This is because "magnesium assists in the activation of vitamin D" and it's critical that you consume the recommended daily amount of magnesium to achieve the optimal benefits of vitamin D, as stat...
  7. How to Easily Combat Joint Pain in the Winter There rings some truth to the Old Wives’ Tale that aching bones and joints are signs of changing weather. A common complaint of those suffering from conditions like Arthritis, Bursitis and even dislocations caused by injury is the increased frequency of joint pain during the winter months. Because their bodies are more sensitive to the chilly weather, painful joints may signal to some individuals that rain, snow, and storms are on the way. Read on to find out why this is and how you can bette...
  8. How Can Magnesium Improve Your Thyroid Condition? Proper thyroid function is crucial for good health. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that sits in the front of the neck below the Adam's apple. This gland is divided into two lobes which are connected by a bridge in the center. When the thyroid is a normal size, you can't feel it, but if you notice sudden swelling in your neck or you experience any of the following symptoms, it may be a sign that your thyroid needs extra attention. Read on to learn how magnesium can help restor...
  9. How to Improve Gut Health With Magnesium You might not know how important magnesium is in your body. Many people don't even know what magnesium is but are shocked to hear about the critical functions it plays a role in for all living things (plants and animals!). In this piece, we'll discuss the vital importance of getting a high enough daily intake of magnesium, particularly as it supports your gut health, protects your intestinal microbiome, and fends off diseases that have to do with digestive function. What is Magnesium?...
  10. 5 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Growing Herbs Indoors Growing common herbs indoors can be a nice way to brighten up the inside of your home as well as providing you with a tasty treat at the end of the process. There are a number of common, easily avoidable mistakes that people make when growing herbs that can have devastating effects for your crop. In this short guide, we explain five of the most common mistakes that people make and what you can do to avoid them to ensure you grow the best indoor herbs possible. 1. Growing in the Wrong Environm...
  11. How to Prep Your Soil for Spring Soil is made up of five components: minerals, gases, water, organic material, and living organisms. As temperatures decrease during winter months, some of these living organisms, including tiny soil microbes, go into hibernation, decreasing the fecundity of the soil. Fortunately, there are ways you can cultivate healthier soil this winter for better results in the spring! But first, we'll need to explain a few things about the ecosystem inside your soil. Why is Soil Health Important? Hea...
  12. Why You Should Rotate Your Crops Having the same crops every season will result in progressively lower yields if everything else remain constant. As such, it is advisable to deploy crop rotation and have different plants on your fall garden this season. Also, rotation can help you partially deal with a soil pathogen associated with root disease in sick plants. Additionally, crop rotation plays various other crucial roles, especially soil health, organic matter, and the stimulation of microbial communities in the soil. What i...
  13. How Do Soil Microbes Affect Plant Health? Soil microbes and organic matter is essential for plant growth and play a significant role in the active microbial communities within the soil. Microbes, which comprise of soil bacteria and fungus, can be either good or bad for specific types of plants. The bad ones are plant pathogens while the good ones enrich plant life in a variety of ways. As such, soil health is one of the key factors to consider when growing plants. It affects everything from root health to nutrient uptake, growth and ...
  14. Why Cover Crops Are Important in the Fall Cover crops are an important part of commercial farming operations. The benefits that they provide professional farmers can also be felt by people gardening at home. This short guide will tell you everything you need to know about cover crops and help you decide whether or not they're right for your yard. What is a Cover Crop? A cover crop is a crop grown with other more valuable crops with the sole purpose of protecting them during regular crop production. Cover crops are generally used...
  15. 5 Types of Pollinators And How to Attract them According to the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), close to 75 percent of the world's crops that produce fruits and seeds depend on pollinators for sustained production. In this post, we discuss five types of pollinators and how you can attract them to your plants. 1. Bees Bees are arguably the most important pollinators across the globe. Bees are responsible for pollinating over 110 edible plants, including apples and strawberries. They are especially attracted to brightly color...
  16. How to Grow a Successful Indoor Garden Approximately 60 percent of people worldwide grow either flowers or vegetables indoors. Indoor gardening is on the rise, and with the many indoor gardening supplies on the market today, growing a garden in your house is easier than ever. Read on to find out how to grow food in an indoor container garden. What Can You Grow in Your Indoor Garden? The first step to growing a garden is deciding what to plant. Many plants can be grown indoors, but when it comes to growing food indoors, you may be...