How Can I Increase My Indoor Plant Growth?
•Posted on November 30 2022
Indoor plants are commonly used to enhance the aesthetic of a room or to purify indoor air.
Studies have shown that indoor plants are a great way to boost moods, increase creativity and reduce stress while eliminating air pollutants through photosynthesis.
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Simply put, indoor plants make for a happier, healthier you.
With so many benefits, it's natural to want your plants to grow faster.
Here are a few ways you can:
1. Increase Light Exposure
Just like any other plants, indoor plants need sunlight to grow.
They don't necessarily need direct sunlight just as long as the leaves have access to light from the sun.
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Some plants may wilt if exposed to direct sunlight, so be careful.
Pro tip- most plants thrive around east or west-facing windows.
You can try filtering light using sheer curtains if you notice plant leaves turning brown from too much direct sunlight.
You can also try growing your plants under artificial light if your house is too dark most of the day.
2. Administer Enough Moisture
It might seem like more water is great for indoor plants, but too much water can kill them.
Indoor plants need less water in the winter, so reducing the amount of moisture you introduce during winter is essential.
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Before watering, check if the soil is dry and ensure the water has somewhere to drain, like a sink or bucket.
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3. Feed Your Plants Regularly
When growing indoor plants, it is normal to wonder, "What is the Best Fertilizer for Indoor Plants?"
Plant food is usually formulated to provide plants with the required nutrients.
Fertilizer for indoor plants differs from the fertilizer you use on outdoor plants.
During the winter, your indoor plants will also not need fertilizer, so you should hold the fertilizer for a few weeks.
4. Give Room to Grow
As your plant grows, it may need more space for its root system, which is why you need to change the pots or containers as they grow.
Failure to change the plant container can force your plant to stop growing or even cause it to wilt.
Here are a few signs your plant needs a bigger plant container.
- Your plant starts growing roots out of the drainage holes in the bottom
- Roots start pushing the plant up out of the container
- Your plant's growth rate seems to slow down drastically
- Your plant is constantly thirsty even after you just watered it
- If your plant keeps falling over because the top is heavier than the bottom
5. Prune Your Plants to Encourage Growth
Prune your plant to encourage plant growth.
Always prune your plant when it is actively growing, and don't overdo it.
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To prune successfully, go for old blossoms and cut back stems growing just above the leaf node.
Cutting off old plant parts encourages the plant to grow more blooms.
If you are unsure about cutting a branch, leave it and see how it develops.
Bottom Line
Growing indoor plants doesn't have to be a struggle.
Providing the basics mentioned above for your plants will set you and your indoor plants up for success.
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At Greenway, we realize your indoor plants have different needs than outdoor plants, so we have formulated unique products to help you raise lustrous indoor plants. Our line of organic fertilizers, speciality fertilizers, water-soluble fertilizers and hydroponic nutrients offers a solution for every need.
Browse through our extensive list of products and place your order; experience the difference.